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Great news - Enhancements have been made to the IS Portal!

A quick guide and full guide are available to support you to navigate the exciting changes to the Strategic Inclusion Plan on the IS Portal.

New Resource for Services

There is a Checklist to help services to review their IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator application prior to submission to your IP for endorsement. Please click here to access the Checklist.

Current application processing timeframes for IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator:

The demand for support through the Inclusion Support Program has resulted in an unprecedented high volume of applications being submitted for IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator. Applications are being assessed in line with the ISP Guidelines, as efficiently as possible, but unfortunately this is currently not within the usual timeframes. Thank you for your patience at this time.

Please go to the Important Information page for further information and updates.

Services receive payment for the IDF Subsidy for FDC Top Up by submitting claims retrospectively through the Child Care Management System. When submitting claims, services are required to:

  • Outline the number of hours they are claiming the FDC Top Up; and
  • Provide details of the eligible child (or children) in the care environment, including their enrolment and attendance information.

For additional information please refer to the Claiming IDF Subsidy Fact Sheet.

Compliance with the 60 day rule

Claims must be submitted within 60 days of the fortnight the eligible child/ren listed on the approved case attended the service. If a service does not submit any claims for more than 60 days during the approval period, the IS Case will automatically be inactivated and new claims cannot be submitted. Cases can be reactivated at the agreement of the IDF Manager, and once reactivated, new claims must be submitted according to the 60 day rule. If a service requires their case to be reactivated, they should contact the IDF Manager.

Documentary evidence

As outlined in the Conditions of Funding, services must retain evidence of the eligible child/children on the IS Case. This includes:

  • Attendance records for all children in the care environment, such as sign in and sign out sheet with parent/guardian signature; and
  • A record of payment made to the educator from the FDC service for the FDC Top Up payment.

Payment of the IDF Subsidy

The IDF FDC Top Up is paid directly to the FDC service, from the Department, to the same payee details it has nominated to receive its Child Care Subsidy payments on behalf of families. The FDC service is required to pass the payment directly on to the relevant FDC Educator. The FDC Top Up is limited to one payment per FDC educator. Following an approved claim, services will typically receive payment within 4-6 business days, depending on your bank.