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Great news - Enhancements have been made to the IS Portal!

A quick guide and full guide are available to support you to navigate the exciting changes to the Strategic Inclusion Plan on the IS Portal.

New Resource for Services

There is a Checklist to help services to review their IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator application prior to submission to your IP for endorsement. Please click here to access the Checklist.

Current application processing timeframes for IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator:

The demand for support through the Inclusion Support Program has resulted in an unprecedented high volume of applications being submitted for IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator. Applications are being assessed in line with the ISP Guidelines, as efficiently as possible, but unfortunately this is currently not within the usual timeframes. Thank you for your patience at this time.

Please go to the Important Information page for further information and updates.

The IDF provides funding to assist eligible services to address a barrier to inclusion that cannot be addressed by the support of an IA. There are four streams of IDF funding – subsidy for an Additional Educator, Immediate/Time Limited Support, Family Day Care Top Up and Innovative Solutions. Each stream has different eligibility criteria, application processes and approved funding purposes.

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Additional Educator

The IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator provides funding to centre based services to subsidise the employment of an additional educator to increase the educator to child ratio.

Immediate/Time Limited Support

Immediate/Time Limited Support enables centre based services to immediately engage an Additional Educator for a limited period of time.

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Family Day Care Page

Family Day Care Top Up

The Family Day Care (FDC) Top Up provides a fee top up payment to an educator, where the inclusion of a child with a disability results in the educator being unable to enrol the maximum number of children as allowed under the National Law.

Innovative Solutions

Innovative Solutions Support funds flexible and alternative solutions to address inclusion barriers in services.

Innovative Solutions

Funding Streams

Additional Educator

The IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator provides funding to centre based services to subsidise the employment of an additional educator to increase the educator to child ratio.

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Immediate/Time Limited

Immediate/Time Limited Support enables centre based services to immediately engage an Additional Educator for a limited period of time.

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Family Day Care Top Up

The Family Day Care (FDC) Top Up provides a fee top up payment to an educator, where the inclusion of a child with additional needs results in the educator being unable to enrol the maximum number of children as allowed under the National Law.

Family Day Care Page

Innovative Solutions

Innovative Solutions Support funds flexible and alternative solutions to address inclusion barriers in services.

Innovative Solutions