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A quick guide and full guide are available to support you to navigate the exciting changes to the Strategic Inclusion Plan on the IS Portal introduced in June 2024.

There is a Checklist to help services to ensure your IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator application is complete and accurate, prior to submission to your IP for endorsement.

For other important information, including providing NDIS related Documentary Evidence, click here

The IDF Subsidy for Immediate/Time limited Support enables centre based services to quickly engage an Additional Educator where there is an immediate barrier associated with including a child with high support needs, and an Additional Educator is the most appropriate solution. This is for a limited period of time to assist educators to address the barrier to inclusion, and decide on a suitable alternative and more stable solution.

The Immediate/Time Limited Support is a per hour funding subsidy to centre based services, to employ an Additional Educator to increase the educator to child ratio in the care environment to support the inclusion of a child with high support needs, alongside their typically developing peers.

Immediate/Time Limited Support is available to support services to include children with additional and high support needs, which may include:

  • children who have a disability or developmental delay, or currently undergoing assessment for disability;
  • children who have a serious medical or health condition; including mental health;
  • children who are presenting with challenging behaviours or trauma related behaviours

Applications for the IDF Subsidy for Immediate/Time Limited Support are assessed by the IDFM and the service notified of the outcome within 5 business days.


As the intention of Immediate/Time Limited funding is to be highly responsive, the application requirements support the service to access funding quickly.

Applying in the funding page for each funding type


Services can make claims retrospectively and receive payments for the Immediate/Time Limited Support through the Child Care Software.

Claiming in the funding page for each funding type


Services must report changes in the care environment which may impact on the IDF Immediate/Limited Time approval for the care environment.

Change in the funding page for each funding type