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Great news – Improvements to the IS Portal & New Resource for Services!

A quick guide and full guide are available to support you to navigate the exciting changes to the Strategic Inclusion Plan on the IS Portal.

There is a Checklist to help services to ensure your IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator application is complete and accurate, prior to submission to your IP for endorsement.

Current application processing timeframes for IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator:

The demand for support through the Inclusion Support Program has resulted in a high volume of applications being submitted for IDF Subsidy for an Additional Educator. Applications are being assessed as efficiently as possible, but unfortunately this is currently not within the usual timeframes. Thank you for your patience at this time.

Please go to the Important Information page for further information and updates.

What are Unique Projects?

Unique Projects are projects that meet the criteria for Innovative Solutions Support (i.e.: lead to the genuine inclusion of a child/ren with additional needs and/or enhance the inclusion capacity of educators in relation to a particular cohort) but do not fit into one of the other four Project Types (Bi-lingual Support, Cultural Mentoring, Specialised Training and Advice, Guided Practice).

The Unique Projects project type is designed to allow services to be innovative and flexible in designing a support solution that meets their own specific needs. Unique Projects may include new or unique approaches to inclusion or combine elements from several different project types. They are usually highly specific to the context of the service/s involved.

Developing a Unique Project

In developing a Unique Project, services should work closely with their Inclusion Professional and their chosen provider. Their IP will be able to provide guidance about what kinds of projects are possible under Innovative Solutions Support.

In developing the project all parties should keep the ISP Guidelines in mind in order to ensure that the proposed project leads to clear inclusion outcomes for children and/or increased inclusion capacity for educators.

Applying for a Unique Project

The Unique Project application process is similar to that for the other project types but does require some additional information. This is because each Unique Project will be different and may not have been implemented previously. The application processes for the other Project Types are based on the common features of these projects that have a proven record of success and are able to be more streamlined as a result.

For Unique Projects services will need to provide an explanation of, and rationale for, what they plan to do. This should show how the project will meet the guidelines for Innovative Solutions Support. It should also demonstrate that the project represents value for money and show that it has a likely chance of success.

Developing an Innovative Solutions Support Project

Developing and Innovative Solutions Support project, in most cases, requires your service to:

  • Have a current Strategic Inclusion Plan (SIP);
  • Complete an application form; and
  • Develop a Project Plan.

Strategic Inclusion Plan requirements for a Unique Project

In general, it is expected that your service will have an up to date Strategic Inclusion Plan (SIP), with current Barriers to inclusion identified and Strategies and Actions developed to address the Barriers, in order to apply for Innovative Solutions Support.

Before beginning an application, you should discuss with your Inclusion Professional (IP) whether Innovative Solutions Support is the most appropriate option for your circumstances.

Applying for Innovative Solutions Support

There is a separate application form for each type of Innovative Solutions Support Project.

Applications for Innovative Solutions Support can be made at any time and can be for an individual service (or a specific care environment within the service) or a group of services.

With support of your Inclusion Professional, you will be required to complete the relevant application form and, if required, a Project Plan before lodging your application through the Inclusion Support Portal.

Project Plan

Developing a Project Plan is an important part of the planning process. Project plans show who will be doing what, and when and how it will be implemented.

An Innovative Solutions Support Project Plan should be developed in consultation with your Inclusion Professional and your chosen Support Provider.

Submitting an Application

Services are required to upload their application from and relevant attachments to the IS Portal. Once submitted, each application is sent to the service's Inclusion Professional for endorsement and is then assessed by the Inclusion Development Fund Manager (IDFM).

Application outcomes

If funding is approved

The service will receive an email with a Letter of Offer attached, providing the details of their approved Innovative Solutions Case. This will be sent to the Service Provider email address listed on the SIP. This letter must be signed and returned to the IDF Manager at Once the agreement is executed, payment will be made directly to the service from the Department.

If funding is not approved

The service will receive an email with an Application Declined letter attached. This will be sent to the Service Provider email address listed on the SIP. The outcome of the assessment will be available as an ‘Assessment Outcome’ note on the IS Case.


Services work with their Inclusion Professional to develop a project proposal.

Applying in the funding page for each funding type


Processes for payment and expenditure for Innovative Solutions support funding claims.

Claiming in the funding page for each funding type


Services must report any changes to the approved project.

Change in the funding page for each funding type